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Discussion of Possible Causes of Idiopathic Scoliosis

● Adult idiopathic scoliosis (AdIS) is a spinal deformity that occurs in adults and is secondary to both neglected adolescent scoliosis and progressive spine degeneration. It is usually discovered during growth in childhood or adolescence.
● De novo adult degenerative scoliosis (ADS) is another type of adult scoliosis that develops during adulthood due to a cascade of progressive degenerative changes. ADS is characterized by a lateral curvature of the spine and is often accompanied by spinal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the spinal canal that can cause nerve compression. The most common form of adult scoliosis is degenerative (spine curves as you age.

One of the greatest areas of confusion in regards to scoliosis has to do with its cause. Many mothers are fraught with a sense of guilt, feeling that scoliosis was “in their genes" and somehow passed down to their son or daughter. Although a recent article in the Scientific Journal of Spine stated that no specific gene has even been linked to scoliosis, much of the current resources and energy of the scientific community remains committed to the search.

The idea that scoliosis is strictly due to a genetic condition is both incomplete and unlikely. A 1992 study on Kinetic Imbalance in the suboccipital region of the brain (aka KISS) is another potential ingredient, as well as newborn birth traumas such as Caesarean section, multiple births, prolonged labor, use of extraction devices, torn or over-stretched alar and other upper cervical ligaments during the birth process.

In the study, published in the Journal of Manual Medicine and entitled, Kinetic Imbalance due to Suboccipital Strain in Newborns, over 600 children with evidence of KISS were evaluated. The authors noted that this condition, if left unchecked, could lead to postural problems, such as scoliosis, due to the interference on the nerves that are responsible for coordinating the motor input from the body with the sensory input from the eyes.


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